How much have YOU changed in the last 10 years ?
April 1 1997
1) How old were you?
9+ +
2) Where did you go to school?
SRJK(C) Chung Hwa 1
3) Where did you work?
Work? You must be kidding me...
4) Where did you live?
5) Where did you hang out?
Taman Riang! Full of memories there...
6) Did you wear glasses?
7) Who was your best friend?
There were too many!
8) How many tattoos did you have?
I would like to have one... but can't!
9) How many piercings did you have?
Hell No!!
10) What car did you drive?
The only transport i got was my bicycle.
11) Had you been to a real party?
Har? What do you mean real party? lolz..
12) Had your heart broken?
Of course no!
April 1 2002
1) How old were you?
2) Where did you go to school?
SMK.Kampong Kastam.
3) Where did you work?
Erm.. part time can? As a worker at a factory during holiday..
4) Where did you live?
Still same, in Butterworth
5) Where did you hang out?
Tuition, Taman Riang and my friends' house..
7) Who was your best friend?
All my friends are "best friend" to me. XD
8) Who was your regular-person crush?
Arr?? <(?(OO)?)>
9) How many tattoos did you have?
Still the same ( still wishing to have 1 )
10) How many piercing did you have?
Still the same, HELL NO!
11) What car did you drive?
Got some changes, i started to ride bike but not car..
12) Had you had your heart broken?
Erm... maybe yes or maybe no...
April 1 2007
1) How old are you?
2) Where do you work?
Work? hehe! Still studying..
3) Where do you live?
Butterworth & Pulau Pinang(hostel)
4) Do you wear glasses?
Not at all..
5) Where do you hang out?
Wuahaha!! There are too many for me.. Can't really list out!
6) Who is your best friend?
I don't really know who is it... nevermind lar! as long as all of them are my best friends!
7) Do you talk to your old friends?
Har? Yes!
8) How many piercing do you have?
I answer will never change,there is HELL NO!!!
9) How many tattoos?
Stopped my wishing.. So is no..
11) What kind of car do you drive?
Now? or last time? If total all, woah.. i drove quite many cars before...
12)Who you wanna tagged now?
Erm... There is no one for the moment lolz
Pulau Penang! *sweat* Where the hell is Pulau PENANG? I tot should be Pulau PINANG or just PENANG! :P hahahaha
changed.. kekeee!!
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